Search - Japan

At the Garden with Steph Alvarez

Steph Alvarez of Cartellino's Picks answers the First Edition Questionnaire

Space Encounters Gallery Encounters White Elephant

Get your regular dose of pop and color with Space Encounters' latest shows

No, You Move: 'Big Wind Blows' at Rossi & Rossi

Seven of Hong Kong's up-and-coming artists exhibit artworks against the grain of demand

Astride the City: Artist Interview with Vin Quilop

Whether it’s a boat leaving port at Roxas Boulevard or a 7-11 shopfront done in the style of Edward Hopper,…

The Yokosuka Pictures of Miyako Ishiuchi

Miyako, like many others, grew up in Yokosuka’s distinct atmosphere of residue and unnerve.

Cut & Curated: Quarantine in Shuttered Speeds

For this edition of Cut & Curated, we collated snippets from the visual diaries of Asian photographers…

8 Online Art Courses For Questions (Privately) Asked

Anyone can have his or her interpretation of, or…

Art Collecting 101: Consider Photobooks

There’s an intention to the production—part and parcel with it as an art object—that confers…

SuperFlat: How Takashi Murakami Set The Stage For Post-War Japan

When Murakami first coined the term in 2001, it was to draw a connective line between the principles and two-dimensional…

Looking at The Times Through The Eyes of Charlie Co

Bending whimsy into the foreboding, Charlie Co’s works cast viewers adrift in his visual dreamscapes.

On The Completion of Miyuki Tsugami's Landscape Paintings

Miyuki Tsugami ultimately completes her process in 'Therein, Nothing – Just Precious Trifles' at Anomaly.

Takashi Murakami Continues to Push Forward the Superflat Movement

Takashi Murakami leads all fans of the cartoon and him alike to Perrotin…

Ricky Francisco Sees Beyond Aesthetic and Meaning in Art Curation

It's not easy to be someone like Ricky Francisco. He chooses to stick to…

7 Ceramic Artists That Will Change the Way You See the Medium

As proof, we present 7 Asian ceramic artists that will change the way you perceive ceramic arts.

Understanding Kafka's Complex Characters through Art in Unfolding Kafka Festival 2019

This year, with the theme "Kafka Zoo," artists from all across the world participate in exploring Kafka's animal…

What Is Appropriation Art And When Is It Okay?

What on earth is appropriation; what counts as one and what makes it okay for…

Art Toys: Drawing the Line Between Art and Toys

Designer toys have taken a turn at the dawn of the millennia. Even today,…