Search - Collage

The Visceral Mindscapes of Tarzeer Pictures’ Hemispheres

"Throughout the show, a range of elements attempt to provide structure and…

Hannah Nantes on the home and its (dis)contents

Her Cartellino solo release Garden of Lost Snails continues until October 18.

A wild plant grows through the concrete pavement

Punk lives on in unexpected spaces through artists A.lien (Neil Arvin Javier)…

First impressions: Inside the OVERINKED Studio

As part of Prints Made in May 2023, Cartellino met with the members of up-and-coming…

A Paradise Ago: Pinky Ibarra Urmaza's Ghost Ode to the Library

"What does an artwork know? What does it withhold from the viewer? And how…

The building blocks of Baraks: Artists at the heart of the collective/space

“Fundamentally, artists are at the heart of this collective/space, so…

Tactile trajectories: The curatorial life with Pristine de Leon

"Archive here is not personal, but intimate; it keeps the world close by. The hand is only one among many hands,…

Beyond the line: A profile on Eugenia Alcaide

“It is this emotion that compels, that makes art relatable, that turns…

Framing Windows to an Archive in three facets (After a text by Randall C. Jimerson)

At ALiWW, Imelda Cajipe Endaya's archival exhibit presents a repository "open,…

Further Conversation with Material: Curator’s Talk with Lara Acuin and Con Cabrera 

Speaking with Lk Rigor, curators Lara Acuin and Con Cabrera go into the intricacies of curating, artmaking,…

Collaging Worlds: The Contemporary Spiritual in Jet B. Leyco’s Ispirituwal Transaction

"With the collapse of the search for an archaic singular truth then comes the…

'The absence left the void half full': Works on what we find in nothingness

Cartellino's first ever physical exhibition, presented at the 2022 Modern and Contemporary Art Festival, features…

To the fires that never go out: An ode to the myth, method, and madness in Iya Regalario’s Tag-Apoy

“Fire is life and death, the beginning and end, constantly burning through…