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A Site of Curiosities: Soft Power Peripherals

If you’re reading this article from your workstation,…

Present Catechisms

Why with art amid crisis are we no longer surprised?

Drifting in Pepe Delfin's Transient City

In the artist's latest paintings, the viewer's eye tends to move about them as their inhabitants do. 

How Steph Alvarez Approaches Devotion

A reflection on devotion, how it tangles with persistence, and how fortitude comes with age.

Stories Worth (Re)Telling: Philippine Artists at 2020 Berlin Biennale

Does it take an international biennale to learn about our local artists? No, but it's a good writing prompt.

Dashiell Manley, Working Between Intention and Diversion

The multimedia artworks of Dashiell Manley, which have gone and been exhibited…

Thai Artists of Differing Views Reconvene for 'Conflicted Visions Again'

Shortly after the first show, Conflicted Visions, Thailand experienced a coup.

Art: Looking Forward with Trickie Lopa

A talk with AFP co-founder Trickie Lopa on her next steps and the arts scene moving forward.

And the Sea Inside, Our Host: Artist Interview with Bea Policarpio

“Art is always a confession, and in every stroke is a record of that day’s fears and joys.”

Where Do We Stand With Participatory Art?

Bombast and nudity aside, in situ art projects and chance…

Not Visual Noise Deserves More Haunts

Apparent is a visceral kind of closeness, a physicality that bellows tones of immediacy across the gallery…

Tips and Tricks For Starting Your Art Wall, Salon Style

Relaxed and flexible, the salon style allows for an eclectic mix of works to hang together without having to…

The Year in Art 2019: 5 of the Biggest News in the Art World

From Banksy breaking auction records to a banana duct-taped on the wall, it's never a dull moment in the art…

The Multi-Dimensional Task of a Curator with Gwen Bautista

Today, Gwen Bautista continues to help provide avenues for artists to grow and flourish, especially those…

All Your Concerns About Online Art Buying, Solved

We gathered all the concerns art buyers have when making online art purchases…