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Tracing the Ant: Curator’s Talk with Mayumi Hirano

In her second Curator's Talk, writer Lk Rigor speaks with Mayumi Hirano about the challenges and charms of…

Upon A Bed of Gravel: A Journey Through Nona Garcia’s Overland

What does it mean to actually “be” in a place—to be present in all its qualities, in what…

Two shows bask in clay’s quiet conundrums

Pablo Capati III, Marco Rosario, and Jezzel Wee’s ‘These common, intimate things’, and Jon…

The Black Dog Rises: Javy Villacin’s Itum na Ido at Qube Gallery

In his ‘Itum na Ido’, Javy Villacin combines past and future to chart the evolution of power.  

First impressions: Inside the OVERINKED Studio

As part of Prints Made in May 2023, Cartellino met with the members of up-and-coming…

What happens after the dust settles? Stephen Lucio reflects on mortality

Dust envelops the sweep of Stephen Lucio’s first solo exhibit. The through line of ‘When Dust Settles’,…

Flux and Process with Antoni Muntadas

Following his review of the artist's' Exercises on Past and Present Memories, Sean Carballo and Antoni…

Finding the Filipino in Living Pictures

Decribed as “the world’s first-ever survey of photography's histories across Southeast Asia”,…

Material Histories in Muntadas: Exercises on Past and Present Memories

"Resulting from a period of archival research after the artist first visited…

Embodied epics: The body and its memories in Julie Lluch’s Chronicles on Skin

In a time where the transmission of stories faces revision, miscommunication,…

Participating in the anti-monument in You Betrayed the Party Just When You Should Have Helped It

"The anti-monument is understated. It listens to the land and it listens to the people, creating space for…

The Nebulous Aftermath: Rebirth in the Works of Amy Aragon, Jay Ticar, and Maria Cruz

"It remains the keen ability of the artist to condense this vast spectrum of…

From Me To You: Long Distance Worlds in Guided Agitation

At Gravity Art Space, experiences through sound collapse distance and time.

A Paradise Ago: Pinky Ibarra Urmaza's Ghost Ode to the Library

"What does an artwork know? What does it withhold from the viewer? And how…

The building blocks of Baraks: Artists at the heart of the collective/space

“Fundamentally, artists are at the heart of this collective/space, so…

Reflecting Legacies: The Glass Art of Anna Orlina

Between carrying her family's legacy and forging her own artistic path, Anna Orlina's practice is one of harmony…

Tactile trajectories: The curatorial life with Pristine de Leon

"Archive here is not personal, but intimate; it keeps the world close by. The hand is only one among many hands,…

Beyond the line: A profile on Eugenia Alcaide

“It is this emotion that compels, that makes art relatable, that turns…