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Sonny Thakur Shoots Random Things in the Kitchen

Sonny Thakur of Cartellino's Picks answers our First Edition questionnaire

Dashiell Manley, Working Between Intention and Diversion

The multimedia artworks of Dashiell Manley, which have gone and been exhibited…

Artinformal Celebrates Its 16th in Multilayered Reflection

Exhibited are works of seven multigenerational artists called to answer the question, "What does the number…

Start Archiving with this Digital Tool and Platform

Web Archiving has never been easier, or more important

Why Net Art Is Here to Stay

In line with movements like installation art and street art, the foremost principle was to close the gap with…

Art Collecting 101: Consider Photobooks

There’s an intention to the production—part and parcel with it as an art object—that confers…

Art Basel Premieres First-Ever Online Viewing Rooms

The new virtual platform provides collectors and enthusiasts worldwide access to over 2000 artworks by the…

The Year in Art 2019: 5 of the Biggest News in the Art World

From Banksy breaking auction records to a banana duct-taped on the wall, it's never a dull moment in the art…

The Multi-Dimensional Task of a Curator with Gwen Bautista

Today, Gwen Bautista continues to help provide avenues for artists to grow and flourish, especially those…

Francisco Lee in Collaborating and Connecting with Artists

Koki Lee (stylized as Koki LXX) or Francisco Lee has been an active artist and curator for the past years.

Ricky Francisco Sees Beyond Aesthetic and Meaning in Art Curation

It's not easy to be someone like Ricky Francisco. He chooses to stick to…

How Art Movements Matter to Asian Contemporary Arts

There's one thing art movements have in common: they were all born in the…

5 Tips for Safe and Practical Online Art Buying

We gathered tips to help you buy art online safely and practically.

Understanding Kafka's Complex Characters through Art in Unfolding Kafka Festival 2019

This year, with the theme "Kafka Zoo," artists from all across the world participate in exploring Kafka's animal…

Art Taipei Headlines Public Art on the Environment by Alixe Fu

This year, Art Taipei has successfully brought light upon an important discussion through artist Alixe Fu.

Decoding the Social Media Resistance: Why Some Artists Refuse to Share Online

Dear artists, social media is not your enemy here. It's a part of your world now and what better way to coexist…