Search - Crystals

Synthetic Condition: Relics of the Personal World like Shed Snakeskin

As one's identity, memories, and feelings emerge from the depths of the psyche, they find synthetic expressions,…

Artist Interview: Sam Feleo on Process and Her Next Steps

"In a way, the process became a process of care: about caring,…

Sam Feleo’s Scopic Anatomies Continues with Altro Mondo

Scopic Anatomies - first with Cartellino, now on view at Altro Mondo gallery - is a fond update on the artist's…

Abstracting a Life in Art

Artist-curator and writer Stephanie Frondoso shares her story on how she found a career in art.

Sam Feleo at a Cellular Pace

How Sam Feleo found amicability with slowness.

Sam Feleo Crystallizes Time and Space in "The Horizon of Expectations"

Unlike vast sceneries or grand events (the boundless ocean, the crack of thunder) at which we could only balk,…