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Aldy Aguirre's Reflections in Watercolor

"I can somehow control watercolor, but no fully, and I like that. Not all my…

The Visceral Mindscapes of Tarzeer Pictures’ Hemispheres

"Throughout the show, a range of elements attempt to provide structure and…

A city that kills in Mike Olea’s Kanayunan Patungong Kalunsuran

Mike Olea’s photographs trace killing as violence encoded in the daily…

What's in a gesture?

"To gesture, on the one hand, is to signify an artistic mark. But, on the other, it is an intuitive language…

Allan Balisi’s Waiting Games

"[T]here’s a romantic tinge to the practice of waiting, an ache that renders us momentarily porous, submersible."

The tenor of sound practice in Manila

A conversation with Dayang Yraola on the labels, ecologies, and shifts of sound.