Search - Oil on canvas

Refuge in the Art of Nicole Tee

"Are we shaped by the spaces around us, or are our spaces extensions of our…

Allan Balisi’s Waiting Games

"[T]here’s a romantic tinge to the practice of waiting, an ache that renders us momentarily porous, submersible."

Upon A Bed of Gravel: A Journey Through Nona Garcia’s Overland

What does it mean to actually “be” in a place—to be present in all its qualities, in what…

First impressions: Inside the OVERINKED Studio

As part of Prints Made in May 2023, Cartellino met with the members of up-and-coming…

The Nebulous Aftermath: Rebirth in the Works of Amy Aragon, Jay Ticar, and Maria Cruz

"It remains the keen ability of the artist to condense this vast spectrum of…

Tactile trajectories: The curatorial life with Pristine de Leon

"Archive here is not personal, but intimate; it keeps the world close by. The hand is only one among many hands,…

The Joys and Abundance in the Life and Art of Inday Cadapan

"The simplicity in her form and her lack of a formal artistic background had…

A Conversation: Brushing histories, carving space

In reflections on their personal artistic process, the artists invite readers and viewers of art to engage…

Renz Baluyot’s Anthem: A Song for the Adrift

Writer Mara Fabella ruminates on the lengths we go to give form to the ineffable and elusive, and finds grounding…

Ardent readings

"Ardent readings lead us to the emergence of something exemplary or to finding felicity in forms or articulations…

'Connecting and Disconnecting': the Self In and Beyond the Cybernetic Astral Plane

Bizzarro pop-surrealist Ciane Xavier's latest exhibition, 'Connecting and Disconnecting', calls for pause amid…

How Thirty-three Artists Redefine 'Kasarinlan'

Launched, tellingly, on July 4 at the Linangan Art Residency, the group exhibition 'Kasarinlan' examines…

Regina Reyes and the Art of What We Leave Behind

In the artist's second solo show, Sunday becomes a vibe. The author catches up with the artist on the ideas…

Like This/Like That: On 'Katulad/Kahadha'

This Instagram exhibition draws striking parallels between works by Philippine and Arab masters, identifying…

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Careening on the Conceptual Tailwind of Hae Ryun

The story of how an artist found the amalgam for her life through a dream.

ART REEL: Art Fair Philippines 2021 Double-Take

With AFP 2021 at the tail-end, gathered here by the Cartellino Team are some works you may have missed or want…

Know That Platform: AITP Exhibitor Spotlight

Art in the Park's now on full swing. Here's a primer. 

Reconciling with Goodbye to All That

"Thus," curator Gwen Bautista writes, "Goodbye to All That is a collection and summary of what…