Search - Patterns

Aldy Aguirre's Reflections in Watercolor

"I can somehow control watercolor, but no fully, and I like that. Not all my…

How Gianne Encarnacion traces the worlds within

In the past year, the artist and illustrator’s works have come to life…

Hannah Nantes on the home and its (dis)contents

Her Cartellino solo release Garden of Lost Snails continues until October 18.

The tenor of sound practice in Manila

A conversation with Dayang Yraola on the labels, ecologies, and shifts of sound.

 Time as truthsayer and shaper: Seventy Years Later

Both guided by the notion that people are “intermediaries and creators of destiny”, Prado and Bumanlag…

Participating in the anti-monument in You Betrayed the Party Just When You Should Have Helped It

"The anti-monument is understated. It listens to the land and it listens to the people, creating space for…

Beyond the line: A profile on Eugenia Alcaide

“It is this emotion that compels, that makes art relatable, that turns…

Collaging Worlds: The Contemporary Spiritual in Jet B. Leyco’s Ispirituwal Transaction

"With the collapse of the search for an archaic singular truth then comes the…

Discerning Treasure and Wealth in Jandy Carvajal’s Repoussé Artworks

His third exhibit of repoussé works, Ang Ating Mga Kayamanan Sa Bakuran is Jandy Carvajal's…

What to See in This Year's UPCFA Studio Arts Degree Show

This year's UPCFA student degree showcase serves up a balance of skill, talent, ingenuity, limning, incidentally,…

Who the Heck Is Maerschelle R. Douchechamp?

“Originality is dead, Douchechamp killed him!” - Freedrick Kneetsheh

Dashiell Manley, Working Between Intention and Diversion

The multimedia artworks of Dashiell Manley, which have gone and been exhibited…

Where Do We Stand With Participatory Art?

Bombast and nudity aside, in situ art projects and chance…

7 Ceramic Artists That Will Change the Way You See the Medium

As proof, we present 7 Asian ceramic artists that will change the way you perceive ceramic arts.

Cut & Curated: Seeing is to Feeling as It is to Believing

In this ediiton of Cut & Curated, we take seeing into a gratification of senses through patterns and textures.