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Like This/Like That: On 'Katulad/Kahadha'

This Instagram exhibition draws striking parallels between works by Philippine and Arab masters, identifying…

In Shaky, Red Ink: Mako Micro-press

A fellow zine-maker reflects on the indomitable arts group.

Re-envisioning the Tarot: Brenda Fajardo, Iya Regalario, and Manix Abrera

The open structure of the occult favorite allows for manifold interpretation and various designs - an appeal…

Lessons in Love and Lockdown from a Bowl of Las-wa

If a bowl of soup could tell a story during one of the most turbulent times in recent history, it's one of…

Stories That Paint a Portrait of Negrense Women Artists

Here is a run-down of the works on view for 'Istorya Namon Subong,' now on its last week.

How Steph Alvarez Approaches Devotion

A reflection on devotion, how it tangles with persistence, and how fortitude comes with age.

Sam Feleo at a Cellular Pace

How Sam Feleo found amicability with slowness.

Cut Up This Body: Artists Ma, Man, and Ho for Gallery Exit

For those who have become film buffs over the extended lockdown, does Gallery Exit have the group exhibition…

Dashiell Manley, Working Between Intention and Diversion

The multimedia artworks of Dashiell Manley, which have gone and been exhibited…

STPI Considers Post-Disjunct Living

Under the curatorial direction of Tan Siuli, Turning the Axis of the World looks engages with the…

Six Philippine Contemporary Artists Make for a Stunning Bangkok Debut

On display at La Lanta Fine Art is their group show, "Displacement"

Artinformal Celebrates Its 16th in Multilayered Reflection

Exhibited are works of seven multigenerational artists called to answer the question, "What does the number…

Pat Frades Sees with Mushrooms

Sometimes, it takes something bizarre to see things differently. Like shrooms.

Thai Artists of Differing Views Reconvene for 'Conflicted Visions Again'

Shortly after the first show, Conflicted Visions, Thailand experienced a coup.

The Trajectory of Kanchana Gupta

Recently launched online is the accompanying catalogue to Kanchana Gupta's solo show held back in October last…

And the Sea Inside, Our Host: Artist Interview with Bea Policarpio

“Art is always a confession, and in every stroke is a record of that day’s fears and joys.”