Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Careening on the Conceptual Tailwind of Hae Ryun

The story of how an artist found the amalgam for her life through a dream.

Lessons in Love and Lockdown from a Bowl of Las-wa

If a bowl of soup could tell a story during one of the most turbulent times in recent history, it's one of…

Behind the Racket: FREE-Lances on the Art Gig Economy

Is there such a thing as an exclusively professional career in the arts? FREE-Lances’ Renan Laru-an,…

Abstracting a Life in Art

Artist-curator and writer Stephanie Frondoso shares her story on how she found a career in art.

Sam Feleo at a Cellular Pace

How Sam Feleo found amicability with slowness.

The Pictorial Key to Manos: Suit of Hands

Learn the meanings behind the cards, take a step into another domain of art.

Why First Edition?

Our running thoughts, the beneficiaries, and, possibly, how art can matter.

Ciane Xavier x Modeka: When Space Becomes Headspace

If raising the bar is something to be had in the time of a pandemic, this could be it.

Dashiell Manley, Working Between Intention and Diversion

The multimedia artworks of Dashiell Manley, which have gone and been exhibited…

Seeing through Textiles with Patricia Perez Eustaquio

In our conversation with the esteemed artist, we learned two things: 1) the reasons behind her fascination…

RUE, Arce, and His Stabilizing Resolve to Work by Feel

This mysterious Instagram artist seemed to blow up overnight.

Coax until Fertile: Artist Interview with Kat Grow

We go to Kat Grow for understanding the slippery processes of art.

And the Sea Inside, Our Host: Artist Interview with Bea Policarpio

“Art is always a confession, and in every stroke is a record of that day’s fears and joys.”

Astride the City: Artist Interview with Vin Quilop

Whether it’s a boat leaving port at Roxas Boulevard or a 7-11 shopfront done in the style of Edward Hopper,…

Collecting Young: Duncan Yu on His Beginnings into Art

Duncan Yu is clearly excited about art, its creators with their wild ideas and boundless creativity, and the…

The Metamorphosis: Keb Cerda's Ever-Innovating Art

Keb Cerda may have better things in store for us but there's no telling…

The Multi-Dimensional Task of a Curator with Gwen Bautista

Today, Gwen Bautista continues to help provide avenues for artists to grow and flourish, especially those…

Francisco Lee in Collaborating and Connecting with Artists

Koki Lee (stylized as Koki LXX) or Francisco Lee has been an active artist and curator for the past years.